Energy, Frequency, & Vibration

Are you ready for more peace in your life?

Ready for freedom

Acasma is love… feeling home, being safe…

Join the Free Acasma Community

Higher Dimensional Teachings and Powerful Activations…

Connect with this powerful space and allow your remembrance. This is an INCREDIBLE savings!

4 week course begins in October. Live and via replay.

Invest in your sacred expansion today!

A.L. Garris is the author of the book

AQE Foundations: Remember Who You Are

This book offers understandings of the New Human and being one's higher-self. These teachings are alive. The words upon these pages offer activation and attuning to the next level of you. This book is designed to be used in the Acasma Quantum Energy Facilitators Course and may be used by any seeking to expand their consciousness. This book guides you, as you expand into your Wholeness and higher-self, and it assists you in anchoring these spaces of you into your Now. Are you ready?

Acasma Quantum Expansion is the next level in energy healing modalities. Acasma is an ascension modality offering healing on all levels of one's Being and activations and assistance with an individual’s spiritual awakening.

Where to buy:

Our Services

A.L. is currently taking appointments in October 2024

Subscribe to the website to receive notification of events etc

Zoom Session

A Zoom Session is 55 minutes long with recorded replay sent via email for you to save if you choose.

C2C Session

Remote Distance Session is 55 minutes long with detailed session notes sent to you via email within 24 hours of your session.

For more information including FAQs, Cancellation Policy, and Details of Services please visit the services page by clicking the button below.


  • Acasma represents an energy connection that humans can access to facilitate healing across all aspects of their lives. Distinct from reiki or quantum touch, Acasma embodies a higher consciousness and a collective of higher vibrational beings dedicated to aiding humanity. It supports the physical body in adjusting and processing energy during expansion and provides grounding frequencies to aid the awakening process.

    Acasma also aids in healing entrenched behaviors and outdated programming. While gentle, Acasma's power is significant. It is administered by individuals who have completed Acasma Quantum Energy training and are attuned to its energy, enabling them to share it with others.

    In an Acasma session or course, the energy felt is that of remembering and reconnecting with one's I AM, the Divine within. Acasma offers an understanding of existence beyond human identity, reconnecting individuals to their essence beyond the present moment.

    Acasma facilitates reconnection to one's innate power, wholeness, heart, and the essence of love. It is a higher vibrational realm of connection that supports individuals as they awaken to their own strength. Acasma symbolizes the remembrance of peace, the revival of strength, and the rekindling of self-love.

    We ARE Light, we ARE here

  • C2C means consciousness to consciousness. This means no zoom, no phone. Andrea connects with you through the energy of the quantum field. This is also called a distance session or a remote session. A C2C is a powerful way to go deep and recieve what is best for you in this now.

  • It depends on the person, everyone receives to their optimal alignment. You may experience your body, twitching, jolting, and wanting to stretch. You may feel warm, cold, and/or tingles throughout your body. Everyone is different. You may see passed loved ones, your angels and guardians, your star families, and or other spaces of your eternal soul.

    • It’s totally normal, falling asleep is very beneficial. It gives you the opportunity to “get out of your own way”. You will still receive the energy most optimal for you and everyone receives Andrea’s detailed notes.

  • Acasma Quantum Energy sessions offer peace and balance. Acasma assists with calming and resetting the central nervous system and calming an over-thinking mind.

  • NO Refunds

    Appointments may be canceled and rescheduled.

    Contact Andrea via email to reschedule if needed



I just wanted to tell you that I appreciate you so much. I feel to my core that you believe in me and whenever I am doubting myself you come to me with reassurance. The love I feel from you and the love I have for you and the Acasma community is something that can’t be explained in human terms. It’s definitely other worldly and I AM so grateful.



Thank you, A.L. for your reply, your support and for celebrating my shifts and expansion, with me and the Acasma Pod!!

You really are right there with each and everyone of us, every step of the way....And the Beings of Light are with you, and with us, and the Tall ones, etc. I AM seeing a huge party going on for all of us. How amazing, how joyful to be a part of this group, this Acasma Collective.
What is also amazing and joyful to me is that I AM seeing and feeling this love and support, and connection to everything, and with everyone.
I AM no longer a melancholic, INTJ. Woohoo!
- Elaine